Saturday, April 11, 2020

What Are the Hospitals and Evers Hiding??

Finally, someone in the MSM is asking a very good question about the Kung Flu story.

...Hospitals and the state Department of Health Services have refused to release information about how many patients with COVID-19 each hospital has, how many patients are on ventilators and what each hospital's remaining capacity is for intensive care beds or the potentially lifesaving machines....
Some things are known.  Columbia-St Mary's is very busy, while Froedtert is not.

But the formal responses have been laughable.

.....Ascension Wisconsin officials would not disclose the number of COVID-19 patients or answer specific questions about ventilators or bed capacity, citing “respect for patient privacy.”...

Right.  "Patient privacy" is violated with aggregate numbers.  Sure.

Here's another belly-laugh, predictably from Evers'/Gau's office:

...Melissa Baldauff, spokeswoman for Gov. Tony Evers, said the state and the Wisconsin Hospital Association are reluctant to release statistics about individual hospitals out of fear that the public will flock to not-so-busy hospitals and overwhelm them. 

“We want the systems working together regionally and to not have one system overwhelmed,” Baldauff said.

The approach taken by the state, paradoxically, means that patients will continue to go to hospitals that are busy and possibly overwhelmed....
Buffoonery has become the M.O. in the Wisconsin Governor's office.  I mean, when the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel calls you out............

That's today's mystery.

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