Monday, February 04, 2019

"Extreme and Radical"? Yup. Democrats.

Judge Hagedorn is under attack for being a Christian who actually believes his Faith.  (He should be comforted that he's following the via crucis of Gordy Giampietro.....)

The mouthpiece for the Lefty opponent, Ms. Neubauer, refers to Hagedorn's positions as "extreme" and "radical" while carefully stepping around on the blood-soaked floor of the Democrat abortion-table, replete with parts-sales and "comforted" newborns awaiting execution.

Hagedorn's comments about the Constitutionally problematic 'gay marriage' decision happen to parallel those of Antonin Scalia; the logic of that decision leads precisely to the conclusion both of them drew.  His hatred for Planned Parenthood is perfectly reasonable; as he observed, that organization lives a lie about 'caring' for women, when in fact, it cares only about money, although killing babies is also a priority.

Hagedorn is no extremist; and no matter the blathering of "professors" and "observers," Hagedorn will do exactly what judges are supposed to do:  decide the law. 

Meantime, the Left--Ms. Neubauer's bunch--will legislate more mass murder.  Who's on the side of the "extreme" and "radical"??

You can figure it out.

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