Sunday, February 10, 2008

Benedict XVI Continues Muslim Dialog

Aside from M-16A2s, there is the B-16.

The first meetings were held earlier this week at the Vatican to prepare for the visit of representatives of the 138 Muslim scholars who have offered to conduct interreligious dialogue, Italian journalist and church expert Sandro Magister reports.

In October of 2007, 138 Muslim scholars addressed a letter that titled “A Common Word Between Us and You” to Pope Benedict XVI and the heads of other Christian churches in an attempt to spark dialogue with Christians.

In response to the letter, Pope Benedict said that the discussion should focus on human dignity and religious freedom first, since the Muslims’ proposed discussion topics of love of God and neighbor require these rights be respected first.

The first meetings at the Vatican will take place next spring at the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and will be presided over by Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran. The Muslim representatives will meet with Pope Benedict and other Church officials, holding study sessions at institutes like the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Pontifical Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies.

Jordan’s Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal, the lead promoter of the scholars’ letter, coordinated the meeting with the Vatican’s Secretary of State Cardinal Tarisco Bertone.

I don't think that Rowan Williams was invited.

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