Saturday, March 15, 2025

Trump Calls a Spade a "Spade"

Another Christmas Day!

 President Donald Trump on Friday walked into the Department of Justice and labeled his courtroom opponents “scum,” judges “corrupt” and the prosecutors who investigated him “deranged.”...

Yup.  All true.

But this being Politico, they go right to their Extreme Lefty mode of reporting lying:

... Trump charged the DOJ with spying on his campaign, raiding his home, persecuting his “family, staff and supporters,” launching “one hoax and disinformation campaign after the other” and breaking the law “on a colossal scale,” making clear the glee he has taken in undermining the department’s typical independence and wielding it to achieve the White House’s objectives....

DoJ is not "independent" under the Constitution despite the evidence-free assertion by the writer.  AG reports to the President, not to the "news", nor to the corrupt courts.  

Want proof of that?  See Scum-Suckers Garland and Holder.

 ...“First, we must be honest about the lies and the abuses that have occurred within these walls,” Trump said. “Unfortunately in recent years, a corrupt group of hacks and radicals within the ranks of the American government obliterated the trust and goodwill built up over generations. They weaponized the vast powers of our intelligence and law enforcement agencies to try and thwart the will of the American people.

Those days, Trump said, “are over, and they are never going to come back. He added that he would demand “full and complete accountability for the wrongs and abuses that have occurred.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Trump!

“He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust. “
- Saint Thomas Aquinas