Friday, March 07, 2025

Courts? Law Enforcement? In Deep DooDoo

 What a shocker this is.

A Gallup poll released in late December found faith in the U.S. judicial system and the courts fell to 35 percent in 2024 — a record low. Just 41 percent of Americans believe the FBI is doing an “excellent” or “good job”, according to a November Gallup poll. That’s down from 53 percent the year before. ...

Before the Moron From Milwaukee County tries his b.s. here, note the date of the poll:  November.

That would be while Biden (or whoever) was still in the Oval Office.

The FEEBS and the "judicial" system have earned their grades with their pursuits, prosecutions, and imprisonings of normies, (J6) including Donald J Trump and his associates.

Let's hope that this bleak assessment of the FEEBS and the "judiciary" don't result in frontier justice.

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