Thursday, March 20, 2025

JFK Papers: McGeorge Bundy, Murderous Bastard

From a newsletter:

...Starting in paragraph number 4, a “General Carter” mentioned “agricultural sabotage.” Let’s just soak in the awful ramifications of that banal term, agricultural sabotage, which can only mean starving civilians to death to further military-political objectives. In case anyone needs to hear it, starving innocent civilians is not okay. In terms progressives can understand, we didn’t vote for that....

Apparently the CIA  chose Stalin as their role-model. 

...Paragraph four also noted General Carter’s objection, which were “the disastrous results if something went wrong, particularly if there were obvious attribution to the U.S.” Meaning, he was worried somebody would find out what they did. But, General Carter reassured the room, “it would be possible to accomplish this purpose of agricultural sabotage— by methods more subtle than those indicated in the paper.”...

Well, of course!  Subtle!!

The writer of the newsletter did not recognize the name below.  We did (we are ancient).

 ...A “Mr. Bundy” (presumably, not the serial killer Ted Bundy, but who knows) chimed in. Bundy “said that he had no worries about any such sabotage, which could clearly be” blamed on somebody else, like the Cubans. Mr. Bundy cautioned that America should avoid obvious things like chemical releases. That is, “unless they could be completely covered up.”...

That would be McGeorge Bundy, JFK's National Security Adviser.   He also was NSA under Johnson and was responsible for designing the escalation of the Viet Nam warBusy little killer, eh?  Bundy was a prof at Harvard and worked at the Ford Foundation, also teaching at NYU.  He was a rich kid, mom being a Putnam of Boston, the old man a lawyer who clerked for O W Holmes of the 'sterilize 'em' decision fame.  Groton and Yale boy.

And a murderous son-of-a bitch, too!

Who killed JFK?  I'd look at McGeorge Bundy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

JFK files expose how US government covered up role of Israeli intelligence in its affairs

The JFK files suggest that Israel has in fact conducted more espionage in the United States than any other power since the fall of the Soviet Union.

… JFK was the only president to threaten to halt U.S. aid to Israel…..

…….James Jesus Angleton's connection to Israeli intelligence as shown by this newly unredacted JFK assassination records file.

Angleton had subverted JFK's policy of preventing Israel from acquiring nuclear weapons and was praised by Mossad head Meir …..

…….Russia warned US of JFK assassin……

…… Jefferson Morley – who has reported for 30 years on the JFK assassination – explains to Tucker Carlson that all the redactions in this 130+ page document “clearly pertain to Israel.”

“If the president and this effort are serious, that testimony will be declassified, because Angleton controlled the Oswald file on the one hand, and he was a contact with the Israelis on the other,” he said…..