It's very brief! Not some pretend long-history of typical propaganda.
...It would therefore be a big mistake to interpret Trump’s turnaround towards Russia in recent weeks as an overall change in strategy. Russia has been in the crosshairs of the British and then the Americans for over 120 years. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Americans gained huge influence in the economy and politics of the then weak giant empire by financing the Russian oligarchs and were never so close to their goal – the dismemberment of Russia.
President Putin completely slashed the political power of the oligarchs, thereby neutralizing US influence and the influence of the City of London within Russia. The Americans responded with NATO’s eastward expansion, which was contrary to the agreement and against which Russia resisted diplomatically for 30 years. Another manipulation by the US was the Georgian war, which it caused through its installed puppet Saakashvili and in which it failed. After that, the US played at friendship when Hillary Clinton and Sergei Lavrov met in Geneva and Hillary Clinton promised a new beginning, only to gather time and forces for the preparation of Maidan. This time the drumfire against Russia lasted over 10 years since Maidan and again the US failed to bring Russia to its knees economically, achieve regime change (e.g. with Navalny) and defeat Russia militarily. This time, the US’s involvement in the war, together with its NATO partners, was more direct than at any time since the Second World War. Nevertheless, they failed again....
Yah, well, Trump KO'd USAID, which is a significant blow to the "Kill Russia" crowd, which usually operated through the USAID--the front-group of the CIA--which was the front-group for the London-NYC axis of bankers and industrialists. Oh, yes: MI6 tagged along.
Maybe Putin will see Trump's erasure of USAID as a positive.
1 comment:
I found this video on Alexander Dugan
I think it represents the Russian position pretty well, have a look
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