Friday, March 14, 2025

Shelly Wasserman's Hypocrisy

Wasserman, a hard-Left partisan, bitches about the Brady List.  But the irony is thick with this M.D.

... "It becomes a mushrooming effect where it really creates doubt in the public's mind," he said. "So the public wants clarity. The public wants a clean, transparent government, and there is nothing more sensitive when it comes to the justice system. We want sincerity, we want integrity."...

How many COVID "vaccines" did you force your office staffers to take, Shelly?  How many did you prescribe for your patients?  (And did they have reproductive problems after that, Shelly?)

You are in no position to yammer about 'transparency, sincerity, and integrity' so long as you ignored the real science about COVID--and Ivermectin.

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