Thursday, September 19, 2024

Netanyahu's Gift to Terrorists

 Nice of Netanyahu to provide A Terrorist's Guide to Explosive Phones, Appliances, and Other Household Goods, eh?

You better hope that your next device(s) were not assembled by US-haters.


Anonymous said...

Was it the batteries that exploded, or was it explosives in the communication devices that exploded?

Maybe this is the whole point of battery operated everything in our culture.... Phasing out of older perfectly good phone models for newer models with newer more dangerous batteries, etc... very Totalitarian of them.... They must of been reading "Unrestricted Warfare" by Qiao Liang & Wang Xiangsui.

The Death Vax was a crime against humanity, it was Mass Murder writ Large so its not surprising they come up with other ways to eliminate the unwanted carbon.

Time to eliminate Batteries in most everything I own and avoid any product sourced from Israel or Zionist companies..

Can you imaging your Dewalt drill blowing up on you?

Or your Camera?

or the Battery in your car while your going 75 miles an hour?

Are your batteries located by the steering column?

If your a truth teller its best to have someone non political do your purchasing

Anonymous said...

Today its the Muslims, tomorrow its the Christians

Anonymous said...

Just read the The Great Heresies by Belloc!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

nationalfile dot com is down and I can not pull up on any browser....... Can you pull up?