Monday, September 02, 2024

Israel's Labor Unions Strike Against Netanyahu

We've known for some time that Netanyahu's war in Gaza is not popular with all Israelis.

Israel has been brought to a standstill due to a nationwide general strike after the country erupted with protests over Benjamin Netanyahu's failure to secure a hostage release deal with Hamas.

The unions on Sunday announced the strike which has today fallen into action - leaving Israel facing mass disruptions and closures, including at its international airport....

...Histadrut Labor Federation chief Arnon Bar-David made the strike announcement.

He said: 'Jews are being murdered in the tunnels of Gaza. It is impossible to grasp and has to stop'.

He chillingly continued: 'We are getting body bags instead of a deal. I have come to the conclusion that only our intervention might move those who need to be moved.

'I call on the people of Israel to go out to the streets tonight and tomorrow and for everyone to take part in the strike.

'It is impossible to stand by anymore and neglect as our children are murdered in the tunnels of Gaza... a deal needs to be reached, a deal is more important than anything else....

Israel's economy is being eaten alive by the war.  Tourism is near-dead, Israeli reserve troops are called up--leaving their workplaces without workers--and consumer spending has plummeted due to the conditions.  

Netanyahu is losing the real battle:  the one for the hearts of the Israelis.


Anonymous said...

I can't think of a product made in Israel that I would buy... Can you?

Anonymous said...

A purchase from Israel is a purchase for genocide