Wednesday, July 03, 2024

CDK and CDC: Peas in a Pod

Recently, about half of America's car dealers learned that a centralized system run by "experts" can be a time bomb which goes off unpredictably.

No, we're not talking about CDK.  

We're talking about CDC and Covid.

But CDK is a parallel.

This Will Be Easy!

 Attachment-1 (1).jpeg

Baldwin Knows Biden Is Toxic

Senator Tammy Baldwin (Do-Nothing/WI) will not be seen with Joe Biden on the campaign trail.

This despite the fact that Tammy (Bump-on-a-Log/WI) has voted with Biden at a NINETY-EIGHT PERCENT rate.

We think Eric Hovde should make certain that voters know about Tammy and Joe's mutual affections.

UW-Mad's Bird Flu Gain-of-Function Research

How very Progressive!!

A UW-Madison researcher has taken several millions in grant money from Bill Gates (the humanoid version of the 'blue screen of death') to create gain-of-function on the Bird Flu.

And that researcher, Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka, has succeeded!  

What we've always needed is a cocktail of the Bird Flu with Spanish Flu!  Also a mixer with the seasonal flu!

Allows the virus to colonize and develop in lungs of humans!

Just in time for a visit from President Biden.

+Listecki *Hearts* Chicago Crook. Why?

 Really, Your Excellency?

...Edward Burke, 80, was sentenced June 24 to two years in prison, after he was convicted on 13 counts of racketeering, bribery, and extortion — in charges that the longtime alderman lined up public funds for companies which paid off his law firm, shook down public contractors to do business with his firm, accepted a bribe for a federal program contract, and threatened the Chicago Field Museum with opposing a fee increase measure when it failed to help him place a son’s friend in an internship.

Prosecutors, calling Burke “greedy,” and insisting that he had not shown “a single ounce of remorse,” initially asked federal judge Virginia Kendall to sentence the politician to 10 years in federal prison....

Those are the crimes that were easy to prove.  There were a lot more.

So what does +Listecki have to say?

 ...Archbishop Listecki, who wrote that Burke was “a man dedicated to the common good” with a commitment to “charitable generosity.”

Listecki, who served as a Chicago auxiliary bishop from 2001 until 2004, wrote that he had got to know Burke “when I was a priest and auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago.”

“He and his family were always involved with various charities and supportive of the many civic events,” the archbishop wrote in a March 25 letter.

“I was always impressed by his families [sic] involvement in the Church both locally and nationally,” Listecki added, in a letter he called a “plea for leniency.”...

Excellency, this cretin effectively stole money from contractors and Chicago taxpayers.  You call that being "dedicated to the common good"? 

Or are you playing games by indirectly trying to justify Catholic Charities' abuse of Catholic moneys to import criminals, sex traffickers, human slavery traffickers, rapists, thugs, and thieves by whitewashing the activity as "social justice" and "common good"?

Inquiring minds, and all that, Excellency.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

The Lying Biden (and Harris)

 Even Musk can't take Kammy's lies.  He called her out on this one--which happens to be the substance of a Biden-backing ad which is running about every 5 minutes in the Milwaukee market.  See Musk's remarks at the link.....


The Sympathetic Francis 1 (!?)

The Pope expresses sympathy:

...He said that many others face “white glove” martyrdom, a term that he has used since the early years of his pontificate to indicate a subtle form of persecution through which Christians are driven away, marginalized, and discriminated against...

Like the persecution of those who attend the Tridentine Rite Mass?

Horrible Milwaukee Public Schools Finances

 The more you know, the more HORRIBLE the Milwaukee situation.

Latest on the public schools?  The State will deduct $42+ million from their aid package this year.  That's for past overpayments based on MPS' HORRIBLE accounting.

And another $40 million will be deducted from this year's payment because of the same HORRIBLE accounting. 

What did DPI Secretary Underly know, and when did she know it?

She says she only knew for a couple of months.  Uh-huh.  MPS was scheduled for a $600 MILLION state-aid payment and we're talking about $80 MILLION in "mistakes."

To most normal people, that's real moneyThink Underly is--perhaps--mis-remembering something?

Justice Thomas Neutron-Bombs Jack Smith

(A neutron bomb kills the people but leaves the building standing.)

Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a concurring opinion to Monday’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity questioning the constitutionality of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s appointment, suggesting not only is the office invalid but Smith cannot legally hold it....

Yah, well, there's a long list of what Jack Smith cannot legally do besides that, such as tampering with evidence, planting evidence, piercing attorney-client privilege.......

Face it:  Jack Smith is the opposite side of the Nancy Pelosi mask.

POTUS Can Kill You Off?

The hair-on-fire Liar's Club bunch reacts to the SCOTUS immunity decision.

Extremist elements of the left have essentially argued that the president can now order the assassination of Americans...

Precisely what Obama did

Well, not really.  The 16-y-o killed was collateral damage.

But somehow, Marc Elias missed that thing about Obama.  Huh.

Biden's Gallows-Erectors?

Pinocchio Joe's "Bidenomics" campaign failed.

Pinocchio Joe's "Trump is a felon" campaign failed.

So now he's on campaign #3:  "Trump, Insurrectionist!!"

Good luck with that, you miserable dog-face never-soldier liar.

In another piece of the "insurrection" puzzle, we learn this:

...the men Biden referenced who erected a gallows allegedly to hang Pence are not among the hundreds at the Capitol on January 6 who have been identified, despite being clearly captured on video....

The reason the FBI "can't" ID these guys is the same reason the FBI "can't" ID the man who "placed explosives" at the RNC and DNC headquarters buildings on J6those people are operatives of the Deep State.  May be FBI, may be CIA, may be NSA, or may be just a hired hand of Washington's very own Marbas:  Nancy Pelosi.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Meantime, in France.....a Foreshadowing?

The Right is doing extremely well in the French snap election.  There will be a second round next Sunday to determine final national assembly seats--but the Left-ish party of Macron is already in deep doo-doo.


Tens of thousands of left-wing rioters take to the streets of France causing chaos.

Stores are being looted as activists set fire to the streets, launching fireworks, tear gas and smoke grenades after the results of the French election....

What happens here when Trump demolishes Pinocchio Joe?

No Juice for EV Chargers

We all knew about this a decade ago.

Businesses building electric vehicle charging stations say that finding enough electricity is a major -- perhaps fatal -- problem

Of the 211 developers surveyed by Xendee, a California-based software company, 75% said that electric grid limitations are among the biggest roadblock to building EV charging infrastructure. The total cost of the infrastructure was a problem for 63% of the respondents, and permitting delays were cited by 53% of those surveyed. ...

An indirect sign of the same problem is the reluctance of school bus companies to jam their fleets with EV's.  Their terminals simply do not have the heavy-duty electrical feeds from the utilities to ram high-amp charges into the buses.

While it has not yet affected ordinary consumers who have an EV, it will become a problem if everybody on the block buys one and they all try to charge up at the same time.

Especially if they're relying on windmills and sun-catchers to provide the juice.

What Fox6 "Forgot" on Trump Story

When even the far-left Snopes hedges its bets, there's reason to use caution.  In this case, it was the "suckers and losers" story.  But does Fox6 go prudent and mention the Snopes entry?

Hell, no!

Here's the pertinent part of the Fox6 story 

...The story, written by Jeffrey Goldberg on Sept. 3, 2020, reported that Trump belittled soldiers killed when the then-president canceled a trip to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris, France, in 2018.

Goldberg reported that Trump spoke with senior staff members the morning of the scheduled visit....

Here's the Snopes commentary:

...there appeared to be no evidence of an audio or video recording of the remarks in question, nor was there any documentation, such as transcripts or presidential notes, to independently confirm or deny the alleged quotes' authenticity. Moreover, since Snopes did not witness the in-question comments firsthand, we can't say for certain whether Trump called fallen soldiers "suckers" and "losers."...

Amusing that the Lying Left's favorite phrase, for the Election Fraud of '20 ("No evidence") is used here to put into question the assertion of a far-left writer writing for an ultra-far-left rag.

The only person who SEEMS to claim those were Trump's words is the disgraced (and fired) Gen. Kelly.  Snopes has this to say about that:

...Kelly, who was with Trump in Paris, confirmed that Trump did call American troops "losers" and "suckers," though it was unclear whether he witnessed the comments firsthand or heard about them from someone else, or from news reports....

That's a very polite way to say "He could be lying like Hell."

Do better, Fox6.