Saturday, December 11, 2021

It's Been 10 Days; Time to Attack Ron Johnson!!

The local Izvestia has been a bit lackadaisical in its attacks on Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI); instead of every 3-4 days, they're running at 10 or so.  (That must be a thorn in the editor's side.)

So they make up for it with out-of-context distortions.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson said this week that mouthwash is one way to protect from COVID-19 but the manufacturer of Listerine and medical experts say studies of the idea haven't yet concluded it's a proven antidote. ...


..."I did not say that taking vitamins, using mouthwash, would be a replacement for the vaccine, should you choose to get one. There are multiple studies that say mouthwash may reduce viral load," Johnson said. "Even Dr. Fauci said, ‘I would not mind recommending, and I do it myself, taking vitamin D supplements.’ I continue to be amazed at the resistance to anything that might reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.”...

Ms. Beck may not like the idea of personal hygiene, nor other healthy goodies like D supplements.  She does so without evidence, of course.

She follows up with the usual pack of lies set up in Izvestia's "RoJo template"

...Johnson regularly promotes unproven remedies for COVID-19 and expresses doubt in proven ways to combat the pandemic like vaccines. In this case, Listerine mouthwash's effect on disrupting the virus is being studied but its manufacturer and medical experts said the research has not produced the conclusion Johnson suggested to his constituents on Wednesday....

Proven in India and all of Africa--but that doesn't count.  Why are they NOT proven in the USA?  Because there is a clearly-visible money trail.

By the way, if The Vaccine works, why does The Vaccine NOT work?  How many 'breakthrough' cases will it take for the stone-cold deniers at Izvestia to admit that maybe there's a problem?

And how many dead young, athletic, men who 1) get Vaxxed and 2) drop dead will it take?  How many stillbirths?

Thank me!  I read their crap so you don't have to.


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