Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Gallagher (R-WI) Is Faking His Border Concerns

About 4 months ago, Mike Gallagher (R-NE Wisconsin) began making appearances on "conservative" talk radio, pretending to be a Conservative.  He never was one; he ran as a Republican, but that's not a synonym for Conservative.  In his case, it was a Rockefeller/Bush thang....

So there's a 'discharge petition' in Congress.  It's there to force the Biden* Junta to enforce the "Remain in Mexico" policy initiated by Trump and immediately abandoned by ....whomever.........in the Junta.

Gallagher has NOT signed it despite all the noise he makes about "the border."

Don't ask me why.  But remember what I said; he's not a Conservative; he's a BushPubbie.

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