Thursday, December 09, 2021

Election Fraud in Wisconsin? You Be the Judge

Stuff the local "press" doesn't bother to write up.  With no evidence, they claim that the '20 Election Fraud was just another election.  W.I.L.L. also ran a study and found that while they couldn't state that there was 'widespread' vote fraud, the "victory margin" claimed by Biden* is subject to serious question.

Then this came out:

The Wisconsin Committee on Campaigns and Elections hearing began on Wednesday, and it exposed some deeply troubling evidence, but it will be ignored.

The story was written yesterday.  

Trump spokeswoman Liz Harrington tweeted some of the findings from today’s hearing.

There are 119,283 ‘active voters’ registered who are over 100 years of age157,000 voters in Wisconsin have the same registration number; 42,000 inactive voters voted. And 64,000 people listed as voting in Nov. 2020 were switched to inactive voters AFTER the election. That is THREE TIMES the election margin. That’s just a snapshot of the problems with the voter rolls.

Harrington noted that there is “evidence Wisconsin’s voter rolls are artificially inflated before every election.” She tweeted that “576,976 or 15.9% of registered voters were turned to inactive after the 2016 election.” She further explained that there was a 72% turnout in November 2020 but it was actually a 90% turnout of “active” voters. “One big advantage of inflating the database is it makes the turnout look lower…it disguises…a lot of phantom ballots, or harvesting a lot of ballots.”

Nothing to see here.  Move along. 

UPDATE:  It's noon, a full day after the news was published.  Still nothing on "media"--but a blogger in North Carolina has mentioned it, and he's not a heavy-breather 'election problems' kinda guy.

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