Friday, December 10, 2021

Beware the Grifters

Rep. Dan Crenshaw doesn't like the Second Amendment at all.  He likes to yap about "self-defense," but as actual conservatives know, the 2A has to do with keeping Government in check.  Self-defense was a 'given' not needing an Amendment--and remains so today.

Turns out that Paul Ryan told Crenshaw all about How to Grift.  Ryan ought to know.  He ran his mouth about rescuing Social Security for years--during which time Ryan went along with Continuing Resolutions despite the fact that he was Budget chair and Speaker--doing not one damn thing about Social Security or any other budget problem.

So yah, Ryan knows grift.

Some of you have noticed that a Squish from Green Bay named Gallagher has suddenly gotten all sorts of radio-time by being a 'hard-line border guy.'

Crenshaw taught him all about The Grift.


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