Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Rioting in Caracas, Venezuela. Good!! UPDATED

It looks as though the dictator Maduro will soon be gone, whether alive or dead.

...Following this week's military mutiny, which was squelched, but not before locals ran out and attempted to defend the troops in pitched street battles, now at least sixty – sixty! – neighborhoods in Caracas have erupted into riots – big riots, with people reported shot dead. ...
Didn't see that in the "Nooz", did you?  I know--because I just checked.  It ain't there.  UPDATE:  WaPo has an item up.

Anyhow.  The opposition-party leader has declared himself President; Brazil refuses to recognize Maduro as the President, and although ONE military revolt was quashed, there's plenty more military where they came from....

UPDATE 2:  Venezuela has tossed out  US Embassy personnel after the US recognized the opposition party leader as President.  Reuters (reliably Marxist) says the problem is "hyperinflationary economic collapse."

Phrased more clearly:  too much Occasional- Cortex economics.

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