Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Trump Will Terminate Dept of Education

All by itself this is reason to elect him for the third time.

Former President Donald Trump wants to end the Department of Education and empower states if he is reelected, he said during an X Spaces interview with Elon Musk on Monday.

The 45th president pointed out that U.S. education scores are tumbling compared to other developed countries, even though the United States spends “more per pupil than any other country in the world.”

“I want to close the Department of Education — move education back to the states…” ...

Rep. Massie gets it, too.

..."[the] creation of the U.S. Department of Education was a failed re-election ploy of Jimmy Carter, but now we are stuck with what amounts to a national school board composed of 4,000 bureaucrats,”...

The history of the DoE is enlightening, by the way.


Anonymous said...

I love it when tax suckers get pink slips!

Anonymous said...

Reagan failed to do this. If Trump will, we might have a chance.