Saturday, August 17, 2024

TMJ4 Crops Vance Comments, Diddles Crime Stats

You can watch the video and read the story.

Notice how the video chopped out parts of the story?  There's a reason:  most people only watch the video; they don't read any more.  So most people won't know about the timely matters Vance addressed.  No doubt TMJ4 management will say that they 'did not have time' for the whole thing.  Yup.

What did the video cut out?  Here are six examples:

1)  Vance argued that Harris is responsible for high housing costs in the US due to her border policy and tie-breaking votes in the US Senate.

"Kamala Harris let in 20 million illegal aliens to compete with Americans for scarce homes," Vance said....

2)  "Second of all, [Harris] cast multiple votes, tie-breaking votes, that raised interest rates which of course makes mortgages totally unaffordable for American families," Vance added.

Vance said that if elected, Trump's administration would build more houses and "kick out the illegal aliens who are competing with Americans for homes."...

"Build more houses."  Kammy copy-catted that, too.

3)   "We have American companies that are selling drugs way cheaper in Europe than they are in the United States of America, so sometimes that means we’re going to have to re-import stuff from Europe," he said. "If European consumers are paying less, then American consumers should pay less too."...

4)  "I think pretty much everybody agrees you want to keep guns out of the hands of violent felons, but only after they’ve had a fair court process under law," the Senator from Ohio said. "We don’t want to take rights away from anybody, whether they’re gun rights or first amendment rights, without due process."...

5)  "If you look at the reason why we have increased murders, increased homicides over the last few years, it’s because we don’t lock up enough violent criminals. The gross majority of violent crime is committed by a very very small number of people."...

Then TMJ4 used the long-discredited "statistic" on murders:

Murder rates have decreased by more than 26 percent in 2024 compared to 2023, according to data from the FBI....

The FBI's numbers do not include murders in New York and Los Angeles, among othersThey are the country's largest cities.  But Channel4 didn't mention that.  Huh.

6)  "If you compare President Trump’s record, the 16 years before he was president, 60,000 factories closed down. The four years he was president, 12,000 factories opened up in the United States of America."...
Benson did a very good job of selecting issues as you can tell from the video AND the transcript.  Too bad that his editors substituted their judgment for his.

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