Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Liar One and Liar Two: The (D) Nominees


Bad enough that Tampon Timmy awards himself military rank and a Chamber of Commerce award.

Now it appears that Kammy fudges her "upbringing" so she looks more working-class.

...The presidential hopeful speaks fondly about her upbringing in Oakland, California, but she actually spent the majority of her youth and early school years in Berkeley, a place with more leftist connotations. ...

...'In the bay, you either live in the hills or the flatlands,' she said. 'We lived in the flats, a beautiful working-class neighborhood of firefighters, nurses, and construction workers all who tended their lawns with pride.' 

Harris, however, did not officially move to the flats of Oakland until she was an adult in her 20s, according to the New York Times....

... Harris grew up in Berkeley and attended Berkeley public schools. 

She was also part of a busing program that shifted the location of her school to the more wealthy part of the city. ...

...At the DNC, Harris also avoided any mention of her upbringing in Montreal, Canada. 

Harris' mother moved twelve-year-old Kamala and her family to Montreal to teach at McGill University’s medical school and worked in research at the prestigious Jewish General Hospital. 

Kamala Harris spent her formative teenage years in Montreal and graduated from High School at the age of 17. 

She then moved to Washington, D.C., to study at Howard University before returning back to California. 

Harris did not officially move to Oakland until 1993...

And she "fails to mention" that her father was a Professor of MarxismBecause all her ideas are actually MAGA, right?

She's playing her voters for fools, just like Tammy Baldwin does.   

That's a pretty safe bet.

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