Sunday, August 04, 2024

Department of "Education" Or "Indoctrination"?

Even using Wiki as a source, it's clear why the Department of "Education" deserves to be eliminated--or at least cut back to its original purpose.  That's the substance of the argument referenced here between genuine Conservatives (at Claremont) and the Running Dog RINOs such as Sohrab Ahmari.  Believe it or not, Ahmari & Co. want to "reform" DoE.  That's as likely as teaching water to run uphill.

So the history: became necessary to gather information on the many schools already in existence, as well as on those being built.... 

The office of education was created in 1867 for "gathering information."

...Following the Civil War, shifts in political thought led to increased federal involvement in education. The pre-war tradition of local funding of and control over education clashed with a push from reformers for increased state and federal educational leadership. Additionally, the creation of social science associations generated interest in data-driven approaches to governance at all levels.[1] ...

 As soon as you see the term "social science," BOLO for the BS.

The Department was subsumed into Interior in 1869, but under FDR, a most curious thing happened:

....when [in 1939 it was] transferred to the newly created Federal Security Agency (F.S.A.), in the "New Deal" programs of 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt...

Federal Security Agency?  FDR?

Now you know there's trouble.  "Federal Security" remains in the DNA of that Department.  All the children are indoctrinated to prioritize "federal", and "security"?.....well,.......shall we judge the DoE by its results in the several States? 

Truman initiated, and Eisenhower completed, the merger of several agencies into the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.  But Jimmuh Carter was the one who separated it, creating a Cabinet-level DoE.

Social Science, FDR, "Federal Security," Truman, and Carter.  

The motto might as well be "Keep 'em Stupid and Loyal to Government."

Because that's what we got.

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