Friday, August 02, 2024

The Stench of Robin Vos

Jason Calvi has an .........interesting.........story up about dirtball politics; the kind practiced by Robin Vos.

Your mailbox might be filling up with more mailers. Some Wisconsin legislative candidates say some of what you are reading are lies.

One mailer attacks Wisconsin Assembly candidate Phil Collins. No, not the singer. The mailer says Collins wants to ban beer. In the Aug. 13 Republican primary, Collins will face Ben Franklin.

"It says I want to ban alcohol, even though I never said that," Collins said. ...

Collins joined the "Prohibition Party", but that party's platform ditched its anti-alcohol plank about 20 years ago.

...The mailer is from a group called "The Stronger Wisconsin Fund." It registered with Wisconsin on July 12. The group spent more than $400,000 on the Republican primary – supporting nine candidates and opposing ten – like $15,000 spent against Assembly candidate Lindee Brill. 

"I’ve kind of come out as an outsider Republican, one whose vote won’t fall in line with what party tells me to vote, but what the constituents of the 26th district tell me to vote, as well as the beliefs that guide my vote. I’m a Christian, mother and wife," Brill said. ...

The mailer incorrectly suggests that Brill would dis-enfranchise active duty military.

The dark-money outfit "Stronger Wisconsin Fund" was started by a lawyer who often works for Robin Vos.   Hmmmmm.  And--coincidence, we're sure--the dark-money "Fund" puts out its hit-pieces against known 'enemies of Robin,' while supporting the supine Vos-titutes.  You can read the list at the link.

One note:  Phil Collins should NEVER have joined a prohibition party while claiming to be a Wisconsin citizen.  Just sayin'.

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