Thursday, August 01, 2024

Meanwhile, in England

You probably heard about the Southport, (England) stabbing attack which claimed the lives of three little girls and hospitalized a number of others.  The knifeman is an African Muslim, 18 years old.

A demonstration at a local mosque turned a bit dodgy.  The police arrested many of the demonstrators, but the police also took a solid beating during the melee.  A police van was burned and destroyed.

The British Government has been very clear that saying the truth about the attacker's country of origin and/or faith will land you in jailNote well:  the London twits who made those rules are very happy to send the cops to enforce them.  Somehow, the various ministers are 'otherwise occupied.'

Blue Flu may be required.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“IF YOU choose to lump all flowers together, lilies, and dahlias and tulips and chrysanthemums and call them daisies, you will find that you have spoiled the very fine word daisy … It is barbaric and reactionary to destroy cultural distinctions between one thing and another, because it is like rubbing out all the lines of a fine drawing.”

— G.K. Chesterton, What’s Wrong with the World