Friday, August 02, 2024

Biden/Harris to Make Italian Boxers Out of Your Daughters

You've seen the video.  An Italian woman Olympic boxer quit her match after taking a hit from a tranny (man-pretending-to-be-woman).  She quit to preserve her brain from concussion and maybe to preserve her life.

Beginning today, in 24 States, your daughter could be that Italian boxer.

...Education Week introduces the story. “The Biden administration’s new Title IX regulation expanding protections for LGTBQ+ students goes into effect Aug. 1—in a confused and patchwork fashion as injunctions have blocked it in 26 states as well as at some schools in other states,” the site reports. “It also takes effect as the U.S. Supreme Court weighs an emergency request from the Biden administration to partially limit those injunctions and allow most of the rule to take effect across the country.”

Title IX became law in 1972 and simply states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance….”

While the above clearly states “on the basis of sex,” the Biden administration is now conflating “sex” with “gender” and claims the law means that men purporting to be women (so-called “transgender” status) must be treated as women in every way. Of course, this includes their being allowed to compete in “women’s” sports....

They'll be hanging out in the women's showers and locker rooms, shaving and scratching their gonads.

But there's more!!  You thought your daughter was eligible for a scholarship based on her brains or her athleticism?  Wrong, Deplorable!!! 

Riley Gaines:

One of the most alarming aspects of these [Biden Title IX] changes is the fact men are taking scholarships meant for women, both academically and athletically. This change is more severe than the obvious unfairness of men competing with women.

Pray for our country.

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