Monday, March 18, 2024

The BS About WI School Funding

If you haven't heard it a million times, you're not listening to the news school propaganda outlets. districts keep their complaints more general, lamenting about “stagnant education funding from the state Legislature,”...

We can be polite and say they are "not forthcoming".

Or we can call it what it is:  LYING

...Total state spending on education this budget increased by 6.9%. Total state spending in the last budget increased by 4.8%. The budget before that increased state education spending by 5.8%....

One SE Wisconsin district included "deferred maintenance" as a reason in its ask for $28 million or so.  They also had the gall to cry about getting 'a smaller percentage of property values [in tax revenue]' over the last several years--"forgetting" entirely the increase in property values during the same time period.

The same District also "forgot" to mention that State aids have grown from $3.8 million in '14-'15 to $10.3 million in '21-'22.   

Still think they deserve more money?

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