Sunday, March 17, 2024

Remember 'Stop Them There, Or.....'??

Not long ago, George Bush (the Dumber) and all his allies were fond of saying that if the US didn't stop "them" (terrorists) in Iraq, they would move into the USA?

Well, Bush was at least partly right, but only due to Barky Obozo and Sponge-Brain-Shits-Pants.

“We are seeing a wide array of very dangerous threats that emanate from the border,” FBI boss Christopher Wray told Congress last week. “There is a particular network that has – some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have — ISIS ties that we’re very concerned about, and we’ve been spending enormous amount of effort with our partners investigating.”...

PowerLine quotes Spencer to the effect that, this means that the FBI has to give up spying on and harassing "Christian Nationalists" whose only 'criminal offense' is vocally opposing Biden (and Barky) and all their pomps, and all their works..  

This is your country on drugs, as the ad told us.

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