Saturday, January 06, 2024

Cardinal "Gaslighter" Fernandez

Who you gonna believe?  Him or your lying eyes??

[Cdl.] Tucho Fernández has issued a desperate "clarification" of the propaganda piece "Sodoma supplicans" to help the confused public "better understand its meaning and purpose". Here are some of the main points he is likely to twist again in a next "clarification". These points, however, do not concern essential principles which Tucho either doesn't understand or doesn't believe in.

- "Fiducia supplicans" announces in number 41 that "no further responses are to be expected". Two weeks later Tucho publishes a long "clarification".

- A confused Tucho calls FS a "perennial doctrine" but also a "real novelty" and "real development" from what had been said before about blessings.

- Tucho offers a sample text for a blessing, while insisting that we cannot have a specific text for his homosexual pseudo-blessings.
Nice dance, +Tucho.  Now let's get to the real question:  why are these "blessings" reserved only to couples?

Answer:  because they are sacrilege.

Think that the meaning here escapes little children?

A Kwasniewski has the more elegant formulation:

...Finally, and most basically, there is a fundamental obliviousness (or is it a studied pretense?) about how actions communicate meaning. Fernández can say till he’s blue in the face that a quickie blessing of a gay couple or a divorced-and-remarried couple is not a “justification” or “endorsement” of their lifestyle, but the action itself shows the Church placing her mantle of blessing over them, which, to any ordinary person [or any child], suggests some kind of “may God bless this good couple and make them do better what they are already doing.” If this were not so, why would people approach a priest for such a blessing, as opposed to, say, a random neighbor, or the parish secretary, or the janitor?...

Millstones are available at your nearest quarry.

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