Friday, October 13, 2023

Nass Is Right on Brewers Deal

 Not only is he correct, but he reveals something that "the Nooz" didn't bother with.

..."Taxpayers from all over Wisconsin will be forced to funnel $411 million towards a stadium maintenance deal that provides little in return to the hardworking taxpayers of Wisconsin.  Even worse, this massive deal just sets the state up to spend more at the end of the new lease when it comes time to fund a brand new $1 billion plus stadium project.

"Assembly leadership has caved into demands from Milwaukee city and county officials by giving them even more flexibility with their new local option sales tax that Republicans gave away earlier this year as part of the state budget process.

"The big winners currently in this rushed deal: the Brewers, the City and County of Milwaukee, Governor Evers, Wisconsin Democrats and powerful special interests.  The big losers are the TAXPAYERS and Wisconsin Republicans....

Only ONE Billion dollars?

Since my state rep is a toady for Vos, there's not much point in calling him.  He'll do exactly what Robin tells him to do.

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