Saturday, November 05, 2022

An Analysis of "Head Girls"

The author here is reporting truth.

He begins with Emily Oster, the (in)famous author of the "Forgive/Forget" essay in The Atlantic.  He then asserts that Emily is a "Head Girl."

... Alas, Emily Oster’s proposal that we just forget and forgive the pandemic insanity of the past few years has pleased no one. This is partly because her op-ed is tone deaf and stupid, of course, but it’s probably also down to Emily Oster herself, and a growing cultural exhaustion with the kind of person she represents. Oster is, in the terminology of Bruce Charlton, an almost archetypal Head Girl—the typical “all-rounder” who “performs extremely well in all school subjects” and “is excellent at sports,” while being “pretty, popular, sociable and well-behaved”...

"Head Girl" also comes in "Boy" flavor, by the way.  You'll see that below.

So what?  Well, quoting Charlton, who defined the term:

...The Head Girl can never be a creative genius because she does what other people want by the standards they most value. She will worker harder and at a higher standard in doing whatever it is that social pressure tells her to do - and she will do this by whatever social standards prevail, only more thoroughly. …

We live in a Head Girl’s world - which is also a world where creative genius is marginalized and disempowered to the point of near-complete invisibility....

Those 'dis-empowered' and 'marginalized' include Donald Trump, who was just fine and dandy until he decided that the country needed less "Head Girl" and more "Real Man."  The same attack vectors are now employed against Elon Musk and Steve Bannon, for the same reason. 

...There’s nothing wrong with Head Girls, when their worst tendencies are counterbalanced by a sufficient number of disagreeable, intelligent, and less conformist colleagues. When they become the predominant personality type in newsrooms, faculties and government offices, though, you start to have serious problems. Then, your schools and your media organisations come to be dominated by committees and meetings, by the avoidance of open conflict, by the constant erection of and sheltering within consensus positions, and by preference cascades kicked off by clamorous organised minorities. All of these characteristic symptoms of government by Head Girl are intolerable to everyone who isn’t a Head Girl, and talented people with any other options at all will ultimately leave their influential positions in Head Girl-dominated institutions, driving the Head Girls to ever greater ascendancy....

For a group-level example of Head Girl Gone Wild, see Detroit's auto industry.  All the Head Girls are conforming to the Green Wonkies--and no dissent is allowed.  You WILL drive an electric vehicle no matter how inadequate they are for the job at hand; you WILL sell them (and spend $1 million or more to do so) or you WILL be--literally--disenfranchised.

Fortunately for the country, the revolt against Head Girls is happening as we speak.  It may take a while to complete this revolution, and there probably will be setbacks (the Head Girls want a nuclear war, remember?), but there's good reason to think that their long run from ~1965-present is over.

Fight On!!

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