Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Tammy: "Drop Dead" To Young Wisconsinites

Sweet li'l ol' Tammy (/sarcasm) wants young Wisconsinites to pay a LOT more for health coverage.  Right now! Or they can just drop dead because .........Tammy says so.

...Baldwin (D., Wis.) has introduced legislation that seeks to do away with a rule on short-term health insurance plans for individuals....

RoJo, who knows something about all this, had the right take:

..."Senator Baldwin continues to ignore the forgotten men and women, who, under Obamacare, have seen their premiums double, triple and in some cases quadruple," Johnson said. "Her solution is to restrict the options families have to choose the health insurance that is right for them."...

The horrific price and even more horrific deductibles and co-pays of ObozoCare are causing young Wisconsinites to walk away from Tammy's Preferred Gummint Solution and skip health insurance altogether. 

Of course, they may NEED health insurance after one of Tammy's Sanctuary-City-Illegal-Alien- DUI's flattens them in an intersection, but that's a problem for another day, eh? 

Smooth move, Tammy.  

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