Saturday, September 22, 2018

Cross the Queers in Chicago? You're OUTTA There!!

UPDATED 9/23/2018

We mentioned that Cdl. Blase Cupich (a/k/a Blazing Cupcake) will be bringing his scholarly Self to Franklin, WI. in the near future, and will share his understanding of FrancisTheology with the other attendees at this Francis Fest.

FrancisTheology is not shrouded in mystery, of course--unless it has to do with adulterous reception of Communion or the primacy of human life vs. fishies-in-the-sea, or the respective roles of the ecclesia docens and the ecclesia discens.  And it's consistent with the Cdl. Cupich Theology of 'Don't Disturb the Queers'.  Pp Francis never disturbed them in Argentina, nor in Rome, nor in the USA.  In fact, Francis promotes them and protects them.

And Cd. Cupich is his devoted follower.

Having thrown a remarkably effective Catholic priest out of Chicago only a few months ago, for some vague but not remotely serious offense against the Queers, Cupich struck again, sending one of his priests to the Shrink Hospital sending his consiglieres to threaten the life of a priest--who fled town to an undisclosed location--for having burned the Queer Banner the priest found at his church.

We don't need that crap, Eminence.  Stay home.

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