Friday, February 21, 2025

Vance's Wise Words vis-a-vis WI Bishops

The US Catholic Conference of Bishops is suing Trump's Administration for all the money.  They lost today.

Separately, but related, the Wisconsin Bishops sent a letter.

 [To immigrants]:  We want you to know of our love for you. You have inherent dignity. There are many secular and religious agencies, including our own Catholic organizations, ready to assist you. We encourage you to know your rights and obligations as immigrants. Carry a Know Your Rights card and read the other resources provided by CLINIC (Catholic Legal Immigration Network). If you have questions or are in need of assistance, our Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, the Diocese of Green Bay, and the Diocese of La Crosse provide specialized and accredited immigration legal services. Those living in the Diocese of Superior will be directed to Catholic Charities in the Diocese of La Crosse. In the Diocese of Madison, the same services are provided by the Catholic Multicultural Center....

Those activities and offices are dangerously close to supporting illegal immigration which is a violation of US Code 8 Section 24 (a) (1) (A) (iii) and (v)  And of course, they offend normal American citizens:

... The United States is a nation of immigrants. [LEGAL immigrants, Excellencies.]  It is a nation where immigrants breathe free and contribute astonishing energy and creativity. Let us resist the temptation to consider this great land of ours as only for its current citizens.  [The bishops find racism everywhere, you miserable racisssss!] Everything we have is given to us by God and therefore we are called to offer the love of God to all ["love" is not the same as Free Everything, Excellencies]....

What has JDVance to do with this?  Indirectly, a lot.

His excellent response to some Brit "historian" when that Brit insisted that the US jump into Ukraine with both feet, more money, and US troops.  Here's what Vance said:

  This is moralistic garbage, which is unfortunately the rhetorical currency of the globalists because they have nothing else to say.
Moralistic Garbage vs. US Code.

Be very careful, Excellencies......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Catholic Charities of Jacksonville Lays-Off 26 Employees
February 21, 2025 Tags Catholic Charities, Illegal Immigration, Layoffs from New4Jax by Marcela Camargo

Catholic Charities Jacksonville on Wednesday laid off 26 employees from its refugee program following President Donald Trump’s executive order that halted the arrivals of new refugees to the country, the organization’s CEO told News4JAX.

The layoffs left Catholic Charities with a “skeleton crew” to help refugees who arrived in the country prior to Jan. 20, according to Anita Hassell, CEO of Catholic Charities Bureau, Inc.

She told News4JAX on Thursday that the executive order also resulted in their office not getting reimbursed for already-rendered services back in November.

According to Hassell, the amount that is owed to the organization exceeds $600,000.

For that reason, Hassell said the organization had “no choice” but to lay off the staff in the refugee program due to a lack of funds to support their salaries.