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Wisconsin native. "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."--GKC "Liberalism is the modern and morbid habit of always sacrificing the normal to the abnormal" --G K Chesterton "The only objective of Liberty is Life" --G K Chesterton "A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition." -- Rudyard Kipling
Expecting you to be a functional part of society more than you can handle. Note that is not a question, just a statement of fact.
So, Capper: can you list five things you actually DID for the good of the taxpayer in your 20-year career at Milwaukee County?
Didn't think so.
Oh, I'm sure that you could do a FOIA request for the multiple time studies that they did to appease morons like you until they found out how much overtime they would have to pay us.
Otherwise, we could talk about all the abused and neglected kids I moved to safety and found adoptive homes. Or we could talk about all the equipment and services I got to disabled children.
Or we could talk about how I've been collecting a pension for the past six years because Act 10 took away my union representation. It's saving you sooooooo much money!
We expected your typical Tourette's response.
Lefty policy, such as "pay-per-kid, discourage marriage" went a very long way to creating a job for you. Not to mention Lefty policy on drug use (a little at a time is NO Problem!!!). Conveniently, that required "fixing," so you had a job!
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