Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The End of Media Domineering

The Narratives established by the media (News?  HAH!) have been running this country off the rails like airliners sliding off runways and landing upside-down.  

ZMan has a few observations.

 ....When the directors of the moral drama begin dragging the people onto the stage, or off to the gulag, then the people can no longer suspend their disbelief.

The natural questions of all moral disputes then begin to appear. Those questions are “Who says?” and “So what?”. These questions crept up on the managerial class over the last ten years and they were never able or willing to answer them. This became obvious in the runup to the election. The media kept screaming, “Trump is evil!” and the people kept wondering, “Who says?” When they yelled about his alleged crimes and indictments, the response was, “So what?”...

We had something akin to that exchange with a fellow who is a "reporter" for a local TeeeeVeeee outfit.  We were never friends, and after our exchange we likely never will be, but we put it to him directly:  the "news" from his outlet represents the "Government Says.......Government Good..........Kneel before Zod" media line very well, indeed.  The sad part?  His outlet is far from the worst in this State.

For the time being, we are stuck with them.  But nobody believes a word they say any more--which is the good part of this story.


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