Friday, February 14, 2025

Who D'Ya Believe???...

....a perverted-sex promoting Jesuit or your lying eyes?


Jesuit Father James Martin has struck back at the “internet,” launching the disingenuous and counter-factual claim the Vatican “is not a walled city.”

Father Martin, a gay rights activist, was responding to critics who have pointed out the obvious irony involved in Pope Francis’ harsh criticisms against U.S. immigration policy while the Vatican itself is the only walled sovereign territory in the world....

 ...The massive, 40-foot-high walls surrounding Vatican City State were built by Pope Leo IV, after Islamic Saracen troops sacked Old St. Peter’s Basilica in 846 AD.

The original wall encompassed the entire Vatican hill, surrounding what came to be known as the Leonine City, but was later reduced to circumscribe the 110-acre Vatican City that exists today....

Here's what the Blind Will Not See.  (Don't try running through St Peter's into the City unless you want the Swiss Guard to impale you--or demonstrate proper use of the halberd.....)

 Vatican Maps & Facts - World Atlas

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