Friday, February 21, 2025

Trump Kicking ALJ's Down the Stairs

 ALJ's are "Administrative Law Judges."  They are--so to speak--substitutes for Federal judges.  They are employed by the DoJ, not by the Courts, and adjudicate all sorts of administrative (not criminal, nor tax) cases.

Until today, they were protected by un-Constitutional flabberjaw.

 ...The Department of Justice under President Trump has determined that the multiple layers of removal restrictions shielding administrative law judges (ALJs) are unconstitutional.

The DOJ has concluded that current laws make it too difficult for the government to remove ALJs from their positions. These laws require multiple steps and layers of approval before an ALJ can be fired, which limits the President’s power....

Once again:  Article Two, sentence one.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I think
Article Two, sentence one
would look nice on a t-shirt