Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Another Look at Sens. Graham and Cotton

Lindsey Graham was exposed as a dancing fool--a puppet on the end of CIA/Pentagon strings--around 10 years ago, and he is doing everything he can to play the fool more furiously each week.

Tom Cotton is another matter.  Cotton plays the 'tough guy' Senator who rips up Democrat pimps and bozos-in-Government.  He is also loved and adored by one of the leading Globaloney essayists, which should tell you something. 

But there's a problem.

... we’re finding that a common mechanism for domestic political operations was for Senators—call them Lindsey! and Tom Cotton for the sake of our example, but there would be many more—created or joined foundations with the ostensible goal of spreading “democracy” around the world. Democracy, meaning, LGBTQwerty and all that other woke jazz. But that money also flowed back home, which is why the Ruling Class went totally bonkers when Trump started looking at Ukraine. And this, too, may explain Trump’s financial pressure that’s being applied to Zelensky and Ukraine. Maybe Trump is looking for information, meaning, leverage, meaning, power. I mentioned Lindsey! and Cotton—both fully owned subsidiaries of Anglo-Zionism—for a reason. Trump understands that the Ruling Class, ultimately, is bipartisan....

Cotton has written a few books.

Who bought them?  The Hoi Polloi?

Hell, no.

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