The real-world term for "mis-informing" is LYING.
But since Judge Crawford is a Democrat, it's par for the course.
Wisconsin district attorneys, sheriffs, and a prominent victims’ rights advocate praised Waukesha County Judge Brad Schimel on Thursday for fixing the state’s rape kit backlog. In a news conference, they called Schimel a victim-focused, empathetic former prosecutor who successfully cleared a backlog that had festered for years under other officials....
(That news conference was NOT mentioned on any of the TeeeeeVeeeee stations in Milwaukee at 5:00, 6:00, and 9:00 slots. Gee. Do you wonder why?)
...Schimel was accompanied by Ozaukee County Sheriff Christy Knowles, Schmidt, Toney, Hanson, Dodge County DA Andrea Will, and Teri Jendusa-Nikolai, a survivor of a horrific attempted domestic violence murder. Jendusa-Nikolai is a state and nationwide advocate for victims’ rights....
...“It was so important to make sure these kits were tested to get justice for survivors,” [Fond du Lac District Attorney] Toney said of Schimel’s efforts.
“And it’s the leadership that then Attorney General Schimel exhibited to help put this process in place and help make sure this doesn’t happen again. And one thing that is very disappointing to me, it’s when we see partisan political campaigns, whether it be governor, Attorney General, Congress, US Senate, you expect some of these things, but when we have a sitting judge, Judge Crawford in her campaign, misinforming the public with those attack ads. That’s incredibly disappointing.”
She's also LYING about Schimel's JUDICIAL STANCE on abortion. He's been very clear: he wants the Assembly to pass a law superceding the 1849 one, OR a referendum on the matter. (Meantime, the 1849 law is actually the law.)
That's very different from his PERSONAL stance, or the obvious legal fact that 'there is no Constitutional right to abortion in Wisconsin.'
But she's a Democrat, so LYING is par for the course.
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