Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Like We Said: Rent-a-Mobs

Both Grothman and Fitzgerald were targeted by rent-a-mob harpies and detritus in the last several days.  At the time, we suggested that these were "rent-a-mob" ops, particularly since the local yokel reporters seem to have been tipped off as to the time, date, and location.  Remember this:  rent-a-mobs are NOT "grass-roots" orgs.  They are activists with nothing else to do (probably Federal or State employees who no longer have to show up in the office....)

Yup.  We were right.

 ...Local outlets mentioned Indivisible's role in the protests when covering them. Urban Milwaukee, for example, wrote that Fitzgerald's town hall attracted "about 100 people, largely organized by an organization called Indivisible, mostly members of the Washington/Ozaukee County Democratic Party."

The New York Times and CBS also mentioned the Fitzgerald town hall, though neither included Indivisible's involvement....

Somehow, TMJ4's Charles Benson (The Charles) and the apprentice TMJ4 reporter in Algoma both "forgot" to mention Indivisible.  

Just so happens that Charlie Sykes--a traitor/NeoCon--was affiliated with "Indivisible" a while ago; no reason to think that's changed--and it would explain the presence of TMJ4 people, as Sykes was once a broadcaster on their sister AM station.

IOW, the "press" was hoodwinked into believing that this was some sort of  nationwide grass-roots uprising against the racissssss Nazi Fascist.

And no, they won't apologize.


capper said...

What about all the other events across the country? Were those rent-a-mobs, too? Or is it that now that The Big Lie is dead, you need another asinine conspiracy theory to cling to?

Anonymous said...

Hey Capper, (I mean Crapper) Lookee here, More Rent-a-mobs!
