Tuesday, February 18, 2025

FAA's Story on the DC Chopper/Plane Crash

We've heard from the FAA that the control tower told the military chopper to "pass behind" the incoming aircraft, but that the chopper pilot "didn't hear" the transmission because of a .08-sec mike-key from the chopper pilot.

We've heard from the FAA that the chopper was flying at the wrong altitude (300 feet or more) rather than at the 200 foot level prescribed--and that 'perhaps' there was a difference between the pilot's altimeter and that of the black-box.

We also know that the chopper pilot was light on experience, as she was a White House aide of sorts during the Biden Administration--put there because "diversity" of course.

Frankly, I think the FAA's explanations are weak sauce covering up PILOT ERROR as best as possible.

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