Sunday, February 23, 2025

UW-Madison Created Today's Bird Flu

Nice to know that the UW-Madison is on the forefront.

 Dr. Peter McCullough: “The current strain of bird flu is a product of gain of function research done in the USDA Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens, Georgia. So it is a man made problem that, our farms are experiencing right now. It’s in the peer reviewed literature... “It’s the circulating clade, which is the kind of the original source strain, is clade, and, again, that is a product of what’s called serial passage gain of function research done at the USDA Poultry Research Laboratory.”

“It was assisted, by University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine and, Rotterdam University. The gain of function was to get it to spread from chickens into migratory waterfowl or mallard ducks. And so that’s how it’s spreading across the world now.” “It’s been spreading for 4 years. It continually reinfects the farms because the mallard ducks fly around, and they land in in ponds on farms and they, easily infect the other animals, on the farm. So it was able to, in a sense, expand the host range even into cattle and to sea mammals.”  ...this has not been denied by the USDA Poultry Research Center.” “McCullough Foundation attended the bird flu summits in both, University of Arkansas as well as in Washington, DC. So there’s no denial of this. Just like COVID 19, the bird flu problem is a man made problem by the US government.”...

 Not just "a problem."  A very expensive problem.  USDA, still living in the 1950's, forces farmers to kill their entire flock rather than to allow infected chickens to die and the non-infected to live, which would create herd immunity.  Now USDA is using that tax money to attempt creation of a vaccine which they will force on not only chicken/poultry farmers but ALL livestock farmers.  

Yes, that's familiar.  It's the same racket that "Dr." Fauci ranFirst, create the problem.  Next, create a panic.  Finally, create a "vaccine" which will not be thoroughly tested, side-effects be damnedCollect royalties from Big Pharma.  Rinse.  Repeat.

USDA then takes tax money and gives it to the farmers to compensate for the (MILLIONS) of dead chickens.

USDA took your tax money to create the problem.  Then they take your tax money to re-imburse farmers.  Then they take your tax money to create a "vaccine."  

Do they re-imburse you for $6.00/dozen eggs?


Anonymous said...

Is there anyway to totally destroy those labs the university so we don’t have to suffer from these assholes?

Will people go to jail? We all saw what happened in Covid and now these assholes repeat the process with chickens?

They need to go to jail

Anonymous said...

Tax on University Endowments are in Trump's Crosshairs