Sunday, February 09, 2025

Signs of the (Secular) Times

This from an essay on the necessity of Christianity that Wauck dug up.  We've only excerpted the punchlines; the discussion previous to this graf is worth reading for context and nuance.

... In Germany, protesters are now beaten by the police for protesting against genocide as the protests are framed as being “anti-Semitic”. In France, the CEO of Telegram was arrested for refusing to abide by demands for censorship under the moral argument that “content moderation” is required to fight criminality. In Britain, the freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom to protest have been criminalised to fight “hate” without a clear definition or consistent implementation of the laws. NATO argues that weapons are the path to peace in Ukraine, while the EU openly punishes member states attempting to restore diplomacy and restart negotiations with Russia as this allegedly appeases and emboldens Russia. Collective punishment is permitted under the vague assumption that the entire population contributes to some extent economically or culturally to “Putin’s war machine”. Germany thus makes a moral case for even seizing the private belongings of tourists due to their nationality. Unthinkable practices like legalising the theft of a nation’s sovereign funds are permitted under the guise of helping the victim. In the US, the Democratic Party argues democracy can only be preserved by voting for their candidate, and even sabotaging candidates from their own party as the new leaders should be selected by a well-intentioned elite and not elected by the uninformed public. In Germany, the political-media elites are openly discussing the need to ban the main opposition party altogether as it allegedly does not conform to liberal democratic values. Humanitarianism no longer constrains the use of force, but is instead used to legitimise the use of force and exempt the West from abiding by international law....

Europe is in the advanced stages of its demise, but the United States has the same cancer.  Here, it's beyond "nascent," but not yet terminal.

Why is that?

 ...The moral arguments made in society and by our political leaders do not have any solid grounding and are not linked to anything permanent. Anything can be put into laws, but without a shared moral foundation, these laws will rely excessively on coercion. As our most sacred values are now contested under the new moral relativism, should we question the durability of secular morality in terms of the ability to provide the foundation for a cohesive society?...

Doh.  We are seeing child mutilation, child murders (called "abortion"), a wide variety of publicly-practiced and -flaunted perversions, and many Government actions which are contrary to natural (and Constitutional) law--all from "our betters" on the East and West coasts.

Perhaps the election of a vaguely-religious President who retains the values of the ancien regime will be a turning point.

If not, things will be ugly, and soon.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

As long as people believe that everyone has their "own truth" things will get worse.

Only adherence to the "Truth" will save people.