Saturday, February 22, 2025

$82 Million Later, Total Failure in MPS

The Federal Department of "Education" (snort) gave $82 MILLION to Milwaukee Public Schools last year to "reduce achievement gaps" in student progress.

That's a lot of money.

The result?

Wisconsin ranked the worst achievement gap in the entire USA between black and white students in 2024.

Wisconsin's Department of "Public Instruction " (snort snort) warns that Trump's anti-discrimination funding rules may cause problems.

Hey, DPI:  the problems are already there.  Your "Gimme Mo'Money!" whine is tiresome.  Please just go away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No no no

Not “Milwaukee public schools” should be
“ Milwaukee public screw-alls”

Second correction is to change
“ reduce achievement gaps”
to simply,
“ reduce achievement”.

There that’s better
