Sundance poses a very intriguing question here.
...Two days ago, on the morning when Secretary of State Rubio and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov were scheduled to meet in Riyahd, someone carried out an attack on U.S-owned energy infrastructure. U.S military assets, drones that originated from Ukraine attacked a pumping station responsible for transporting oil through the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC). This is not exclusively a Russian oil infrastructure asset. This is partly a western asset belonging to American energy corporations. As noted by Medvedev: “In 2024, American businesses accounted for over 40% of CPC oil shipments, and together with other Western companies, their total share exceeded 65%.”
Zelenskyy was in the UAE at the time. He was NOT leading or authorizing this engagement. So, who was it? No one in the west is asking this question, only the Russians mention it. This is only one example.
Sooner or later, something is bound to happen, because the desperation to retain control amid those within the IC consortium is palpable and visible. They fear President Trump and President Putin forming a geopolitical alliance and they are reacting out of fear for diminished influence....
...Biden was never in control of the Ukraine operation. This is something that started within the U.S. State Department (CIA division) long before Biden was installed. President Trump is now having to deal with a geopolitical consequence that comes from this collaborative IC operation that is obviously no longer exclusive to the USA. Other intelligence agencies are now too far enmeshed to safely retreat.
It makes sense for President Trump to start this conversation by pointing out the Zelenskyy factor within it. It was a logical prediction to look at the scope of the problem and see Zelenskyy as the Gordion knot that needs to be cut....
This puts the Podhoretz screed in a new light. Less so Hinderaker's....but both are obviously undercutting President Trump's peace mission. Podhoretz does have a history (with the other NeoCons) of hating Russia. Maybe it has to do with their ancestors in Russia. Who knows?
Zelenskyy was the tool used start the conflict. His job was to provoke Russia. And he did by shelling ethnic Russians in the Eastern Ukraine & by allowing multiple US biolabs all over the Ukraine. The narrative of unprovoked Russian aggression was then sold to the public by the controlled media. Fairy tales and nursery rhymes: Wakey, Wakey, eggs and faking. Ring around the rosie, A pocket full of posies. Ashes! Ashes! We all fall down!
I think Zelensky needs to stand trial for his crimes and search of the people who put the bio labs in Ukraine, and the people who bombed the Nordstrom pipeline, they need to go on trial
Russ’s hands are not clean in United States Hands are not clean.
We cannot repeat the mistakes of Versailles
The people cannot be punished for the mistakes of individuals
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