Saturday, February 22, 2025

Thune: 'Screw Trump and Taxpayers, Too!!'

We all knew that this bozo would be a problem.

 ...Thune, 64, [....] quickly took issue with some of the president’s most ambitious spending cut plans, calling Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth call for annual 8% cuts to the U.S. military budget unrealistic.

“I don’t see that happening. I think that that’s obviously going to be subject to what Congress has to say,” he said Thursday...

Here's the Moron Line the Deep State pols love to use, hoping that you rubes won't figure out its BS:

[Thune said that] Hegseth’s “Iron Dome for America” would not come cheap.  “If you’re going to achieve that, you have to raise the top line [spending],” said Thune...

No, you lying miserable old jackwad.  "Iron Dome" does not "raise the top line" if the Pentagon spends a crap-ton less money on foo-foo dust weapons that DON'T WORK.  See, e.g., the new fighter jet, or those idiotic littoral boats--or the unbelievably stupid new battle-rifle concept that works--but only for about 100 rounds.

Thune, like a lot of those crapweasels, recites the lines given him by his donors.  

As to taxpayers?  'Screw 'em. '

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1st link has been messed up