Sunday, February 09, 2025

Bidenomics for Cars

A friend who recently moved from full-time to part-time employment, and who took Social Security to make up for the lost earned income, complained to me that 'It's not enough'.  What looked very nice only 8 months ago has turned to "not enough."

Yah, we know about Bidenomics.  

But here's another reminder.

Remember when you could buy a nice 'certified' used car for about $15-$18K?  That was a LONG time ago.  What you see on this chart is the wholesale price average.  Add about $3K for the retail price.


1 comment:

Margaret said...

Most of our car purchases have been used. We now pay used what a new car would've been back when we were 1st married & bought our 1st car together. In fact, our last car cost twice what I made at my 1st full time job. I was kind of sick at the prospect but we needed it, know we'll keep it for a longtime and had the cash. Still.