Saturday, March 08, 2025

The Forked Tongue of Lindsey Graham

Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnndseeeey!!  Graham, (War Party, NC SC) is now beating the drum for a "recission" package of laws which will "help" DOGE and Trump.  He's doing his forked-tongue act, again.

In reality, he wants to get in Trump's way--and admits it.  Here's Graham, pretending to be a cost-cutter:

... The answer is through a process called rescission. It allows the White House to put together a package of spending cuts and send it to Congress for approval. A rescission package has to originate from the White House, and there are some budgetary limits of how and what can be cut....

Oh.  So Congress must approve spending cuts, eh?  When has Congress EVER approved meaningful spending cuts?  

Get the picture?

Graham's real agenda is to stop Trump's drive towards a SCOTUS resolution of the Unitary Executive theory which would favor the President rather than Congress.  See Article Two, first sentence:  


Article II

Section 1

The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.

Liiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnndseeeeeeeeeey!!  has another chip on this table:  he is currently the Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee.  If Trump wins the Constitutional battle, Lindsey will become a bucket of warm spit, so to speak.

He deserves that.


Anonymous said...

There is a law professor from Notre Dame masquerading as a Supreme Court justice, and she is not terribly fond of Mr. Trump…… and without her support. The unitary theory will be damned.

Grim said...

SC, not NC. We’re not responsible for Lindsey Graham.