Sunday, March 02, 2025

IndyCar Is a Better Watch....

There will be an IndyCar road race today.

Then there will be Sewer TV.

...This year’s Academy Awards is teed up to be, as the kids say -“lit”. Maybe it should (metaphorically) be set on fire, but what I mean is that the environment is ripe for lots of speeches denouncing Trump, demanding a stop to repatriations. 

Slava Ukraini” will be uttered ad nauseam. There will be pins-a-plenty for Ukraine. I’m tempted to watch this year’s show just to see how long it takes before someone mentions Ukraine and/or Trump. Two minutes - tops. 

Who will win Best Picture? I don’t care...

Nor does about 99.44% of the US.  But some people will actually watch this thing.


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