"Narrative management" is the art of shaping news to fit an agenda. It's most often found in Lefty news outlets (nearly all), but Breitbart--a rightist bunch--does it too.
Here's a great example, from author Pollack:
...State Farm, which represents 20 percent of the market in California, dropped more than 1,000 local policyholders in the months, weeks, and even days before the Palisades Fire on January 7, has come in for particular scrutiny for its treatment of its customers....
The fact that State Farm stopped insuring people BEFORE THE FIRES is important, no?--but Breitbart's Pollack hopes you conclude that State Farm is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil. And he's not done!
...Earlier this week, a State Farm executive was fired after being exposed by James O’Keefe’s OMG News for, among other things, expressing the opinion that homes should never have been built in the Pacific Palisades in the first place....
That guy was right. Beyond that, his opinion is irrelevant. But it helps Pollack's quest to demonize State Farm, no?
...State Farm has also resisted allowing fire victims who suffered the total loss of their homes and possessions to collect 100% of the value of their personal property coverage rather than [without] first compiling an itemized list of their belongings.
The process of itemization, known as “the list,” has been described by the New York Times as an “unbearable strain.”...
Pollack's massage of the story had to be corrected, which is why you see the editorial [...] above. Under California's insurance regulations (NOT written by insurers), an insured party is entitled to 50% of their claimed losses without extensive documentation. However, under California's insurance regs, (NOT written by insurers), 100% reimbursement is paid only with documentation of the claims above 50%, although that provision can be waived at the option of the insurer.
Pollack doesn't mention that, does he?
Further: who gives a flying damn about the opinion of the NYSlimes? Only Narrative Massagers such as Pollack/Breitbart.
We do not have documentation of every item in our home, even though we've read the warnings several times in the past 30 years. Did you video-record your sock drawer? Your spice racks? Your ammo?
Is it possible that some folks will claim stuff that they..........ahhh............didn't have........for a few extra bucks? Yup.
Finally, a serious error:
... State Farm and other insurers have been canceling policies...
No, they have NOT been "canceling" policies. They have not RENEWED them. There is a legal difference which Pollack should have respected, although the effect is the same.
We get it. This is awful for a lot of people, including Pollack. But that's no excuse for arranging "news" to fit the agenda, is it? Better for Pollack to have listed charities which assist the victims. We've sent a few bucks, and you should, too--if you're able.
By the way, State Farm will be raising its rates nationally to cover losses in an area which should NEVER have been developed for residences. Pollack should be grateful to all the other State Farm policy-holders.
….And State Farm does have a tendency of not renewing auto insurance with seniors.:…..:: it is a topic of conversation among folks who are older and have been lifelong State Farm policyholders…. That’s OK, though, these policyholder pull all of their business, (not just auto)and take it to other insurance providers… oh my you should see the local agents scream when that happens…
Time to find insurers that don’t do business in California.
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