Tuesday, January 07, 2025

In Madison, WI

 The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights (once headquartered in Milwaukee in the Knights' Tower building) put up a billboard in Madison, WI., visible from the Beltway.

It got response!

...It was a short statement against atheists who have tried to neuter Christmas; we chose this beltway location because Madison is home to the headquarters of Freedom From Religion Foundation, an anti-Catholic atheist organization known for its annual attacks on Christmas.

While our members were happy that we responded with vigor, we received dozens of hateful emails. Here is a short list of the remarks.

  • “No one is ‘striking out’ at Christmas! Clear-thinking, non-brainwashed and non-deluded people” know better.
  • “And you wonder why more and more people are calling bull**** the worthless Bible and its monstrous God who condones slavery and rape. So how are you doing with your altar boys?”
  • “When was your mythical savior born? Certainly not in December.”
  • “Good day to you, have a happy solstice, and hail Satan!”
  • “I hope you find some peace in the coming year before you meet the devil in hell.”
  • “We are celebrating Solstice before your God started leering at thirteen year olds.”
  • “You are a fascist, racist, nazi organization.”
  • “It’s Christians who usurped the winter solstice as part of its scheme to indoctrinate the ‘heathen pagans.’”
  • “Your behavior is equal to the evangelical Christians worship of a sexual predator and felon. God has nothing to do with your business model and behavior.”
  • “You really need to f***ing kill yourselves, you baby raping monsters.”
  • “You don’t own winter, you child raping motherf******.”...

That from the "civilized" and "highly educated" home of the University of Wisconsin.

And the location of the latest mass-murder in a school.

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