Friday, December 27, 2024

Ripoff Artists in TrumpGov: "Tech Bros"

 It's too bad that Trump didn't know enough to know.  Ticker does, and here's a part of his rant for which I can vouch:

...One of the more-common abuses is to list a "job opening" that has a litany of "requirements" that no reasonably-skilled person in-field actually meets but magically some H-1b person "does."  Or so they claim; said person really doesn't have five years of experience in the entire list proffered, but this is the basis of their claim "there's no American who can do this job."  As someone who has more than forty years in the computer field as a programmer, networking and systems guy I can spot those "ads" instantly; every one of them is a fraud and used solely to avoid hiring an American. ...

We have mentioned to close friends that we can write exactly the sort of ad and/or "job description" which will exclude any group of class of people one wishes to exclude.  It's not rocket science.

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) can invent a "new computer language", teach it to its students, and then miraculously arrange that knowledge of that specific language is an absolute requirement for a job in the US.  How?  Easy!  The largest body-shop in the world is Tata, which is HQ'd in India.

They then import all sorts of Indian programmers to the US and (e.g.) place them at Kohl's HQ in Menomonee Falls, WI., where groups of them will suddenly disappear into conference rooms to crib-note each other on both 1)  the English language as applied to programming; and 2)  how to write code that works without using any of the junk invented by IIT.  Or you could look at the State of Wisconsin's IT contract prices which US-based contractors, employing US citizens, simply could not match.  Period.

No, I'm not making that up.

After a while, one of those Indians will rise to a management level (one of them had to be reasonably bright) and will absolutely refuse to hire any US natives for their sector.  You can look at Deluxe Data (in Milwaukee) if  you want to verify that.

Ramaswamy's absolutely idiotic post, Musk's desperation for El Cheapo coders, Sacks'/Krishman's fake-and-gay "AI" needs, and the body-shops' significant lobbying-and-campaign funding dollars, will present Trump with a very serious challenge to his MAGA rhetoric.

Maybe Ramaswamy can go back to skimming old drug recipes for fun and profit.  Musk will have to rely on his car-and-space biz' actual US citizen programmers.

Or they can go to Hell--a consequence of immorality.


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